Friday, December 12, 2008

Rock Band's Serious Offenses: Songs That Should Never Have Been In A Music Game

I've had a lot of complaints about some of the songs in Rock Band.  Now, even though a lot of them are for DLC, there are a few that don't deserve to be in a game relating to rock music.  Here is my list, you will likely disagree with me on some of them.

Starting with the songs on the disk:

Any Song By Rush
Rush.  They suck something big.  I'd rather play some John Mayer instead.

Nobody that knows a classic when they hear it should ever, ever listen to Rush.  I mean, Guns n' Roses with just Axl is still leagues better than Rush.

I am baffled as to why there's a Rush DLC pack available...

"Epic" by Faith No More
This is one of the most horrible songs I have ever heard in my entire life.  It sounds like some white kids trying to rap in front of the mirror to some 80s music.  And then when you get to the chorus, it sounds like Chester Bennington doing that not-screaming singing (yes, it does exist) while holding his nose. Good luck trying to sit through that music video.  And this song definitely is not epic, that's for sure.  It is an abomination of the term rock, and the master track needs to be burned A.S.A.P.

Songs by Oasis
Yeah, some of it might sound nice at first, but when you listen to what is being sung you realize that it sucks.  Really, Oasis are the guys that get punched in the face at their own concerts.  Seriously, that's pretty sad by anyone's standards.

Songs by All-American Rejects
I'll be honest with you, I used to listen to these guys.  I sort of liked it, but I never thought of it as rock.  Seemed too soft-sounding and it sometimes got so girly (note: they are all guys) that I wanted to punch them in the face along with Oasis.

DLC: Naked Brothers Band
This is probably the biggest offense in the history of music games.  These are the kids that have a stupid little Viva La Bam ripoff television show on Nickelodeon.  Did I mention that they don't even try to hide the fact that the show is staged?  Anyway, they make this type of music.

Just the thought of playing that kind of music in a game makes me sick, in the sort of "oh, Harmonix, what the hell have you done this time, you fucktards?" kind of way.

Those are all of the major offenses that I can think of at the moment.  Sorry if I missed any, but it's just so easy to overlook a bad song when so many suck to begin with.  Hope you enjoyed another one of my rants!

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