Monday, November 24, 2008

November's Random Post

This is just a post with a bunch of crap that I feel is worthy of being on my blog.  'Random' is more like 'partially random' as opposed to gibberish.

This is a sort of spoof of the Super Mario World games.  In Super Obama World, you play as our President-elect Barack Obama and get to stomp on enemies such as lipstick-wearing pigs.  Even the first level is filled of political references like the 'bridge to nowhere'.  Play now.

Another spoof, but this one is a video.  It is based on the first Matrix movie and depicts what would have happened if the Matrix ran on Windows XP.  You just need to see it for yourself.

Something Stupid That I Just Realized

The villains (or, well, the actors who portrayed the villains) from the first two Spiderman movies were both in movies featuring Harrison Ford.

The Green Goblin, a.k.a. Willem Dafoe was in the movie Clear and Present Danger (based on the Tom Clancy novel of the same name). Dafoe portrayed John Clark, some secret agent dude.  He works alongside Ford, who plays the role of Jack Ryan, the main character.

Doctor Octopus, otherwise known as Alfred Molina, was in the very beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark.  He was that guy named Satipo that tried to escape from the temple with the golden monkey he stole from Indy.  Thankfully, the bastard gets mauled by those spikes.

If you haven't heard of it before, head on over there now.  It is a blog where people send in Halo-based motivational posters.

Do me a favor and make some posters.  There's apparently a lack of posters to... er... post.

 The first official 'random' post.   I have more things to post about, more important things deserving posts of their own.  And I promise, no more 'I hate Republicans' rants.  Video games and politics do not mix well for the most part.

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