Monday, November 3, 2008

My McCain Rant

I've been putting this on hold out of laziness.  But seeing as Election Day is tomorrow, I decided to throw something together.  I promise that this will be more organized than my Palin rant.

There are several reasons that I do not want McCain to win the election:

McCain is Old (Old People Have Health Problems)

Isn't he 72 or something?  My grandpa died around that age.

And hasn't McCain had cancer before?  That also isn't good...

My point is... McCain can die at any given moment.  Right after the election, if or when he is sworn into office (gets so excited he has a heart attack), any time at all.  Which leads to my next reason...

Palin is Nuts
I know I dedicated an entire post for this point before, but I just felt I needed to remind you of this.  She is pro-war and pro-life, and could be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.  Enough said.

Which leads to my next point...

Some Republicans Are Too Stupid for Their Own Good
Remember that girl (a McCain supporter) that claimed to have been brutalized by supporters of Obama?  She said that her attackers carved a 'B' for 'Barack' into her face.

Police were suspicious as soon as they saw pictures of it because...

The 'B' was backwards.

How stupid can you get?  McCain supporters should ashamed.

McCain is Not Going to Fix the Real Problems of the U.S.
McCain is talking about "change," yet he refuses to recognize the real problems Americans face.

McCain has been saying that he will buy back mortgages.  Yeah, it's good for some people, but it's not good for the rest of us.  We have to pay more taxes for people that are spending more money than they have.  Those people are not being punished for their stupidity.  If I know anything about this, it's that crime without punishment causes bratty children.

McCain has also avoided the problem with leaders of companies like AIG making off with thousands from their companies, spending the money on their own personal wants.  Those leaders are the biggest criminals in society today, because they make thousands of others lose their jobs, but more importantly their 401(k)'s lose value.  These leaders get massages that cost as much as a car while their employees' dreams of retirement go down the shitter.

The worst part about that is that the leaders of those companies also do not get punished.  They screw up the economy and get away with it.  Meanwhile, you can rob a bank and get in jail for life.  McCain, being rich and a Republican, will not deal with the real problems.  People do not understand that yet.

McCain Being President Means Staying In the Wrong Country (Iraq) Until the Job is Done
McCain is for the war in Iraq.  For fuck's sake, Osama is in Afghanistan.  

McCain wants to keep at it until we win.  If this keeps up for a while, expect the draft to come back.  I recommend packing extra supplies for the trip to Canada.  If McCain is really as old as he seems, for all I know he could think that the war in Vietnam didn't end yet.  It's crazy, but somewhat plausible.

The McCampaign is Claiming that Barack Hussein Obama is Associated with Terrorists
This is another one of the worst parts about McCain's campaign.  Basically, they are saying that because Obama's middle name is Hussein and that Obama used to be Muslim, Obama is associated with terrorists.  That's racial stereotyping right there.  More proof that McCain does not really want the best for the country.

*Note: In case you didn't get it yet, the backwards 'B' means that the girl was looking in the mirror when she applied the 'B' to her face.

Well, that's all I really have to say about McCain.  If I don't get to it tomorrow... vote!  Tomorrow!

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