See, I'm pissed right now. No hardware today should break after one year. Hell, even Super Nintendos still work. I know two people with working SNESs. They're fucking ancient and still work.
It all happened like this:
Friday afternoon. The end of a bad week in school. I just wanted to relax. After watching Law & Order for an hour, I decided to play on Xbox Live.
I turned on my 360 and tried playing the Mercenaries 2 demo. The console did a weird freeze up while loading the game map. There was some distortion in the picture.
I restarted my console and tried the demo again. I got a little further this time: I got in the truck and after a few seconds of driving, the console did another weird freeze up. Again, some picture distortion.
I restarted again, and this time tried the Need for Speed: Most Wanted demo. It froze up before the main menu could fill up the screen.
I decided to restart again. This time I tried playing Naruto: Rise of a Ninja. As soon as the game map finished loading, the console froze up again.
So I decided to restart again. I got the Red Ring of Death.
I tried one last time. When I put the 360 on its side, I got a weird green screen. I gave up after that.
So now I'm in the process of finding an easy solution. I am trying to avoid sending my console to Microsoft, because I've heard that it takes weeks and that you might not get your hard drive back. I don't even know if I'll get a 360 Elite back.
The warranty expired on June 14. Fucking warranty runs out before I get the RRoD. I sort of expected that to happen.
Any tricks that might help fix the problem are welcome. "Get a PlayStation 3" is a legitimate answer.
EDIT: I decided to send my 360 to Microsoft for now. I arranged a repair on Sunday, and got the shipping box on... Thursday or Friday. I'll need to check.
EDIT 11/7/08: Microsoft has recieved my 360 and are fixing it.
EDIT 11/8/08: 360 is fixed! Expect a post when I get it back.
They should send you an elite back. I know how you feel about it dude. I got mine when I was playing halo 2 on it.
You could send it in for a fee, or maybe for free since they extended the warranty to 3 years. And if you send it in, keep the hard drive with you. You could try the well-known "towel trick" but you could kill your Xbox.
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