Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy (Belated) New Year!

I just realized that the title of this post and that Christmas post could be politically offensive or something.  Not everyone celebrates Christmas, and not everyone celebrates the New Year at this time of year.  For some reason, it bugs me that I did that, and now it's the only thing I will think of for a while. I was bugged by it right after I made that other post, also...

*sigh* Moving along...

I hope you enjoyed your holidays.

That's the most you'll get from me.  I'm a bit of a Scrooge.

Just as another quick update, I have a few new posts planned, finished, and ready to be posted.  My blog will get better very, very soon.  I know it's sucked in the past few weeks, but now I am finally ready to post more.

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