Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Play (Video Games) Better Half-Asleep

Last night, I was playing Battlefield: Bad Company.  It was a Friday night at the end of a busy week in school- five state tests, with another four this coming week.  I was up until around 11:30 to 12:00 PM, and boy, was I tired.

In fact, I was so tired that I was falling asleep in the middle of the game.  Well, I wasn't wide awake for one thing.  I had trouble keeping my eyes open and focus on the screen.  Felt like tunnel vision.  Sometimes I even forgot that I was playing a game, that's how tired I was.  I was in a dazed state the entire match.

Yet despite all this, I was in the lead with over 200 more points than everyone else.

I've gotten that feeling more than once- in games like Halo, for example.  It's almost like I'm sleep-walking, except with video games instead of walking.  And then the next day, I barely remember what happened.  It's a odd feeling, in that it doesn't make much sense.  And no, I wasn't intoxicated.

The best way to describe it is by using the Linkin Park song Numb:

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there
Falling asleep, forgetting what I'm doing, where I am, etc etc

Become so tired
Being half-asleep

So much more aware
Noticing so much in the game, but not being conscious of it

Hopefully that made some sense.

You see, the thing with this is that when I am playing games while being half-asleep, I seem to play loads better than when I'm wide awake and/or having a sugar rush.  It bugs me because it doesn't make much sense, yet it's possible.  Like, I want to make some sense out of it, but I can't.  It just doesn't add up using common sense.

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