Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Isn't it funny how...?"

Quote of the Day:

"I believe companies that make bad decisions should be allowed to go out of business." -President George W. Bush

That is what happens when you buy your way through college, kiddies.

Well, today seems kinda funny, eh?  Bush said something stupid again, The Mets blew another lead, today sort of felt like a Friday... it's the same old, same old, yet the same old, same old manages to stay funny.

I have found myself in an ironic situation.  I am a Yankees fan, yet I got tickets to a Mets playoff game and want the Mets to win so I can go to one last game at Shea Stadium.  A Yankees fan that wants the Mets to win...

And as good as it is that Bush is leaving soon, I worry that old man McCain is gonna get elected as President, then die, leaving the nation under the idiot that is Sarah Palin.  She is not only a mother, but her daughter, like Jamie Lynn Spears, got pregnant young, ruining any chance of the mother or father (who is a drop-out) having a good career.

I'm out of time right now, in a future post I will explain why I don't really like Palin at all.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"From Humble Beginnings..."

Welcome to my first ever blog post.  I decided to get my own blog because there is so much I want to say yet no good places to say it and not enough time to say everything.

In my blog, I will just talk about whatever is on my mind.  Mostly something video game-related.  But for the most part, no stories.  This is not going to be some sort of internet diary thing.  Nothing of the sort.